A company has decided to promote interactions between connections in various departments. They have created a number of nodes which are to be connected to form a cluster to find the above information. The nodes are described by a 2D grid of 0's and 1's with n rows and m columns, a cell containing a zero denotes not working, while a cell containing a one is a cell that denotes a working node. i. e. (1 and 0), (0 and1) and(0 and ) have no connections. but (1 and 1) have connection. =>Input Format -The first line contains an integer, n, denoting the number of rows in gridofNodes -The next line contains an integer, m, denoting the number of columns in gridOfNodes -Grid values containing only 1's and 0's =>Input format example 3 7 1011110 0110101 1000001 Sample Output 28 =>Sample Output Explanation 5 nodes in the first row get connected with 4 nodes in the second row, 20 connections. Then 4 nodes in the second row get connected with 2 nodes in the third row, 8 connections 20+8 = 28 connectioms in total