What is the method to write the word in reverse order?
Sentence = Word1 word2 word3 I want output : word3 word2 Word1
7 Réponses
+ 3
First try do self.
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+ 1
hay bro just get the string split it using split function and join it after using reverse function.
Just use this .
and I agree with AJ #Infinity Love don't ask for source code this is platform where we can help you we are not here to provide you the code.
+ 1
TR CodeWorld [AYUSH.ks] you shouldn't have wrote the code ,I wudn't even mind telling the functions if someone is not doing efforts from his side,
There is Google ,there is python course ,I don't see how is it difficult?sure it may take your hrs or maybe mins if you know what to search for given you are ready to allocate time to it, or as I said there is everything on internet
Yes you are right Abhay sorry for that let me edit it .
I have made a code check it if there has possible to improve