Password Validator program in Java, all conditions are not fulfilling in coach (getting error in 4 out of 13 cases). Pls assist.
Below is link to question amd my program. The program is running fine for my test cases but not able to find error/solve 4 test cases. Question/Coach link: My program Link: Task: Write a program that takes in a string as input and evaluates it as a valid password. The password is valid if it has at a minimum 2 numbers, 2 of the following special characters ('!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*'), and a length of at least 7 characters. If the password passes the check, output 'Strong', else output 'Weak'. Input Format: A string representing the password to evaluate. Output Format: A string that says 'Strong' if the input meets the requirements, or 'Weak', if not. Sample Input: Hello@$World19 Sample Output: Strong