Android Custom recyclerview 2 row design
Is this possible :- That i design 2 rows one with image on left side O----------. (O is image - is text) and second with image right side. ------------O And recyclerview fetch it alternately. O--------- ----------O O--------- ----------O O--------- ----------O
5 Réponses
+ 1
Why don't you try it on your computer? you can find all your doubt clear.
+ 1
Your design is pretty confusing plz explain more?
+ 1
Really interesting, however solution for this is quite simple or might be complicated.You can also test with Listview as well by creating two different layouts. Instead explaining deep im providing a link that have same problem as yours.
I tried.. but failed..
Okay , as you know... To create custom recyclerview.. you have to design a single row... If you putted a image in right side.. then every row of your recyclerview view will have same design
But i want..
1st row to have image on left and
2nd row to have image on right and again 3rd row to have image on left side....
Again 4th row to have image on right..
And this continues in same pattern