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Looking for a free HTML editor that works offline too.
I started with notepad, I have been studying for more than a month now and feel like I know HTML pretty well, so I decided to do a gift to myself and download an HTML editor, since the notepad can get ptetty frustrating when lot of coding is written in it, what do you recommend?
7 Réponses
+ 4
There are quite a bunch
1. Microsoft Visual Studio Code(my fav)
2. Adobe Brackets
3. Notepad++
4. Atom Editor
5. Sublime Text 3
+ 1
Sublime text is cool, but i suggest that when you are done with HTML use Visual Studio Code, it will help you code faster.
+ 1
Ore Microsoft VSC sounds nice, I watched a tutorial and thats what I'm gonna pick I believe, I can't find out how well it works when offline tho, does it work fine? Does it have limitations? And if yes, what can I still do with it while offline?
+ 1
It works well offline. You only need internet to download extensions, view github feed or update your app. Most of your common coding tasks can be done offline.
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Ore I have two questions about VSC, I use <span> a lot to mark words, is there any key that I can maybe press after I have wrote everything I want inside span so I continue writing outside span? Holding the right arow takes some time, also, if I want to use span on an already written word is there any key I can press to remove the closing tag which gets autimatically filled after I write span?
First question: Yes. Use Ctrl + right arrow
Second question: I don't think so. Best bet is to cut the word(ctrl+x) and paste after creating the span.