Hey everyone, i have a question....... My code is saying too many arguments to function .....in dev c++.............i am not thr
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void page1(); void page2(); void admin(); void user2(); void adverts(); void newUser(); bool access(); void deposit(); bool withdraw(); void showBalance(); int main() { page1(); return 0; } void page1(){ int option; cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"<< endl; cout << " WELCOME TO "<< endl; cout << " MBUGUA'S BANK " << endl; cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " 1. Continue " << endl; cout << " 2. Adverts " << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " Press 1 or 2 " << endl; cin >> option; while (option < 0 || option > 3) { cout << "invalid choice. Please try again " << endl; cin >> option; } switch(option){ case 1: page2(); break; case 2: adverts(); break; default : cout << " Wrong option" << endl; break; } } void page2(){ int option; cout << "\t Welcome " << endl; cout << " 1. Normal User login " << endl; cout << " 2. Administrator login " << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " Choose an option to proceed " << endl; cin >> option; switch(option){ case 1: int option; string username, password; cout << " Welcome back "<< endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << " Enter username and password" << endl; cout << " username : " ; cin >> username; cout << " password : "; cin >> password; if (access (username, password)) { cout << " log in success " << username << endl; user2(); return; } else { cout << " Failed to log in" << endl; } break; case 2: admin(); break; default : cout << " Wrong option" << endl; break; } } void admin(){ int option; string user, pass; string username, password; c