+ 15

What does \t,\r and \f do?

23rd Jul 2020, 6:01 AM
Syedha - avatar
7 Réponses
+ 9
23rd Jul 2020, 6:26 AM
Syedha - avatar
+ 8
Can u give example?
23rd Jul 2020, 6:10 AM
Syedha - avatar
+ 7
\t is used for tab or space. \f is a form feed character. √$√€¶(°$°) , I don't know much about JavaScript so I am giving you reference: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_regexp_formfeed.asp https://www.w3schools.com/JSREF/jsref_regexp_tab.asp https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_regexp_carriagereturn.asp
23rd Jul 2020, 6:06 AM
The future is now thanks to science
The future is now thanks to science - avatar
+ 7
Ha ,thank u😊
23rd Jul 2020, 9:19 AM
Syedha - avatar
+ 3
\t = tab
23rd Jul 2020, 6:13 AM
Sindam shiva kumar
Sindam shiva kumar  - avatar
+ 2
They're called escape characters. You use them in strings with quotes. \n : new line \r : return \ : tab E.g. let sentence="Loren blalalala \n Ipsum omlet" console.log(sentence) This will show Ipsum on a new line.
23rd Jul 2020, 9:17 AM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar
+ 2
\n-new line \t-new tab \f- form feed \r- return
7th Oct 2020, 3:18 AM