+ 8
Trying to rewrite a programm using recursion.
Hello sololearners and sologurus! I want to rewrite a programm using recursion and I can't really wrap my mind about this concept and how should I use it in this case. I know that I must declare a function and this function should call itself. Any help is welcomed. I have this programm: // frequency of a nr in a given array #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int a, arr[5], counter=0, i; cout<<"Enter a:" <<endl; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter elements of the array: "<<endl; for(i=0;i<5;i++){ cin>>arr[i]; } for(i=0;i<5;i++){ if(a==arr[i]) counter++; } cout<<"We have nr "<<a<<": "<<counter<<" time(s) in the array."<<endl; return 0; } And I want to rewrite it using recursion.
2 RĂ©ponses
+ 5
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int f(int val, int i = 1) {
int a;
cin >> a;
return (a == val) + ( i < 5? f(val, i+1): 0);
int main() {
int val;
cout << "Enter value: ";
cin >> val;
cout << "Enter 5 elements of the array: " << endl;
int count = f(val);
cout << "We have number " << val << ": " << count << " time(s) in the array." << endl;
+ 1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int RecursiveCount(int array[], int value, int index, int size)
if(index == size-1)
return array[index] == value ? 1 : 0;
if(array[index] == value)
return 1 + RecursiveCount(array,value,index+1,size);
return 0 + RecursiveCount(array,value,index+1,size);
int main() {
int a[10], value, sizeOfArray;
cout<<"Enter desired value";
cout<<endl<<"Enter the size of array(between 1 and 10)";
if(sizeOfArray < 1 || sizeOfArray > 10)
cout<<endl<<"Wrong size of array!" ;
return -1;
cout<<endl<<"Enter the elements of the array:";
for(int i=0; i<sizeOfArray; i++)
int count = RecursiveCount(a,value,0,sizeOfArray);
cout<<endl<<endl<<"We have a number of "<<count<<" appearances of value "<< value<<" in the given array"<<endl;
return 0;
I made the program run for any array with a size between 1 and 10. Using the recursive function, I go through all numbers from array. The stop condition consists in arriving at the last nr from array. if the last nr from array is equal with my desired value, i return 1, else i return 0. For the rest of array, I return 0 + f(nextElement) if nr[i]!= value and 1 + f(nextElement) if nr[i]==value.
I hope the code is written clearly enough and easy to understand :)