+ 1
Need guidance plz❤😞
Hi i'm a 12th class student having subject IP which is i think as same as IT and my main stream is COMMERCE.. Please can you tell me how much options i have in future and which course will be best. It will sound dreamy but my goal or i want to work for a very high level job and want myself on wiki or i want to become an entrepreneur of a well recognised company. Please guide me the ways and steps to follow Thank you and have a great day❤😊
3 Réponses
+ 1
How about sticking to commerce and yet use some programming at work?
Financial Analysts are in great demand so any course including finance and accounting will do. Along with that you can learn Python and SQL which are extensively used in the data analytics industry.
Make sure that you are strong in your core subjects because there would be more finance and less technology.
+ 1
I also agree that "your back ground has also good options in financial sector.. I think CA will brle better. (equlent to UG in Engg, about salaries..) But I just, want to say stick to mind.. So just stick to your interest.. I only say perfection is important in any field.. Choose better one according your knowledge. Not on market demand.. All the best..
Start learning html.. I think, That will help you..
If you want to go Web development path.