+ 1

hello guys i started the back to school contest, but i did one course (Git) and when i was done, i saw that my lessons is 0 why

Zero lesson upon completision of a course

21st Aug 2020, 10:33 PM
K∆J∆"ST∆R📲🎧..🎤💝🎶 - avatar
1 Réponse
+ 3
You can see the section of your lesson. You had completed Git but it isn't a course here. It is in the section name 'By the community'. That means those lessons are created by us not provided to us as a course and see you have no certificate after completing Git lesson. Course can be counted for those who provides you a certificate after its completion. By the way, don't think you waste your time because your active hours will be counted 🤘 you have a lot of courses tht are not done yet. start those and beat the steak. Happy coding... ✔️Best of luck for the contest ☺😊 ➡️⬇️⬅️Check this out: I just completed a Rubby lesson and notified by the SOLOLEARN that my streak is goes on. https://www.sololearn.com/post/500367/?ref=app
21st Aug 2020, 11:39 PM