+ 71
Tag of war:
so you want to improve on your challenger statistics? well, Go to war: the war of tags! challenge, or rather, tag someone in HTML : Join the easiest challenges yet!
8 RĂ©ponses
+ 26
@Krishna sir and Washika, has your questions been approved for PHP mine is pending for a month.
+ 57
@Krishna :
I too, think I've exhausted the current Html Quizess database :
php is my next target as well...
+ 57
I think they'll start approving,
when they're about to roll out the php weapon!
+ 18
wow washika epic badge very good
+ 13
I want Ruby o_o , But I will join the HTML war for now :D
+ 13
I completed winning 500 challenges 3 days back and I am bored now. Waiting for PHP! Anyways, HTML challenges are easy as you said.
+ 12
Now accepting html and Java Challenge's...
+ 10
congrats ;-)