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Help with python here
Am trying to run this script but am lost with how to do it. I keep getting error. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/josai/crypto-arbitrage/master/exchange_compare.py Can someone show me a way to run this script successful please?
29 Réponses
Dprincebh you probably don't have a code that defines "exhanges". If it's a variable, at least set it to 0.
Or it could be a typo - double check the variables name.
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Rik Wittkopp I tried it on my ide window 10. It didn't run
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I dont know then.
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Try to run it on other editor..sololearn is not the best and a lot of times it can cause errors...Its a mobile bro
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I suspect it won't run on Sololearn.
Download Pycharm or other IDE and try to run external of Sololearn server
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That's the same error I got actually ~ swim ~
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its a typo
The reason why it's not defined is because the name "exhanges" is defined instead of "exchanges"
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I got error and I don't seem to know any way to help!!,😔😔
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1st step- Write pip install pycoingecko in your terminal.
2nd step- Replace the 'exhanges' by 'exchanges' in line 66.
~ swim ~ can you help me here?
~ swim ~ yeah I tried. There is nothing. It was an API actually
~ swim ~ the output should be something like this
BOT spread: 5.39% PRG spread: 5.49% PMA spread: 9.26% CLOAK spread: 14.2%
But I got no output either
Alexander Bolte could there be any problem with the script
I changed that actually Alexander Bolte but still there is no output. Or does the program has to run for so long before it could give an output
Well if it has no errors...
Alexander Bolte then it should take more time to execute, to give the output
Wait a minute...
If I'm right, there are errors in not just this script but OTHERS as well.
Seeing the error that ~ swim ~ posted, it looks like there are multiple errors in different scripts