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What is the Roadmap of Android & ios developer ????
i want to be a android & ios developer. what is the roadmap of mobile developer
10 Réponses
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To make the story short. First is to pick a language. And the best languange for android is Java,kotlin. On the otherhand swift and objective-C for ios. (Optional:C++ ,C#) Learn the basics and know the fundamental of the chosen language. Next is make simple project or building simple application like Calculator etc. There are tons of tutorial on it in youtube. Find whats suit you. Lastly, have fun.
For more:https://roadmap.sh/android
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Syed Ahmed Raza Shah Kotlin is the best option. This is because android is promoting the use of kotlin and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, they will stop supporting java.
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flutter,dart native are the best for android devloping
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Mark Thank you bro.. Kotlin ✅
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Thank You @Galaxy-Coding (CodeWarrior)
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Thank You @Ivan
Java or kotlin which is best
i want to join google
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I think you should try Kotlin because it has future and definitely java was always there as default language
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I started Java on 24 April 2020. I haven't finished it yet, but am currently doing Inheritance, soon after Arrays. Last month, I started working on Android. I use textbooks for these. For Java i have 2 books, one is nearly 800 pages and today i got to page 500, the other Java How to program 10, has roughly 1200 pages and I'm around pages 450-460....
In Android i have two books again. My advice is TYPE CODE. DO PROJECTS. ANSWER QUESTIONS. USE GOOGLE. AND TYPE CODE
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I have to add that when i started Java on 24 April 2020, I also started Python, PHP, JavaScript, after finishing HTML and CSS. Push yourself again and again. Remember, I am not attending any college or university for these. My brain is my university. Anyone with passion can do the same