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New line problem...Help
*/guys ı created file named "dosya" and wirte these things= Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Trump but every new name is on the new line but this code runs it like: Elon Musk jeff Bezos ... I want to make them like: Elon musk Jeff bezos ....*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(){ FILE *dosya; char Ismi[50][50]; int index=0; printf("LIST 1\n"); if ((dosya =fopen("dosya.txt","r"))!= NULL){ while (!feof(dosya)){ fscanf(dosya, "%s ",&Ismi[index]); index++; } for(int i=0;i<index;i++){ printf(" %s \n ",Ismi[i]); } } else { printf("not found"); } fclose(dosya);
2 RĂ©ponses
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Abc def Please move your code in code bits. and link your code URL that way you could get much help
+ 1
If you know that everyone in the file has exactly a one-word name and a one-word surname, then scan two words and print them with a newline at the end.
If your file might contain people like "God" or "Diego Armando Maradona" you can use getline()
If yor file contains people, like "Pablo Diego JosĂ© Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Cipriano de la SantĂsima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso", whose name takes more than one line, then you need a signal at the end of the person. Like a comma or a period.