can anyone tell me that what is getting wrong with this?
i tried and getting result... but in the qustion solving part it is not satisfying all the results.... password = input() repeat = input() def validate(password, repeat): if password==repeat: print("correct") else: print("wrong") validate(password,repeat)
9 Réponses
+ 1
Change "correct" to "Correct"
and "wrong" to "Wrong"
that's it!
+ 1
Rahul Prasad , what is the whole description of the task?
+ 1
Is it codecoach problem?
Please attach full description and task
input, output example etc
+ 1
Rahul Prasad , how many tests didn't pass?
+ 1
What do you mean? Give the examples.
+ 1
Thank You...!
i missed that😅
TheWh¡teCat 🇧🇬
You are given a program with two inputs: one as password and the second one as password repeat. Complete and call the given function to output "Correct" if password and repeat are equal, and output "Wrong", if they are not.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Avalon just above i gave it....
TheWh¡teCat 🇧🇬
my output and their output matched...but all tests are showing failed...