break and continue.
when we use break and continue statement .sometimes when we use var and add it to another for loops how to the machine if you understand me and if you know it send me the answer. The code is like this. var n=0; //n equal to zero; for(i=4;i<8;i++){ if(i==6){ continue; } n+=i; } document.write(n+"<br/>"); if u can answer me as fast as u can.
1 Réponse
Continue cause to skip next statements of loop for current iteration. For ex: in your code when i==6 then it executes continue means next n+=i is not executed for i=6 iteration continue with i=7
Break cause loop to exit.
For ex: if you write break instead of continue then loop stops there and comes out to next statement i.e document.write(n);