+ 13
What is IP address and Mac address? ..
What is IP address and Mac address? ..
7 Réponses
+ 3
A mac adress is a unique one time in the world sequence of hexadecimal numbers and letters that identifies a device specifically.
Mac addresses don't change. The first part of the hex number usually identifies the manufacturer.
An IP Address something to identify a device in a Network. 4 pair of numbers range: -
Meaning if you have a network with 100 devices, you'd have to assign something to them to make them be able to communicate with one another.
Your WiFi Coffe maker will have the ip for example, your computer and your laptop
When you open up sololearn.com you're actually opening up 45.223... (IP Address continues... the ip address of the sololearn servers hosting the website), sololearn.com is just easier for us humans.
IP Adresses identify a device on a network and can and are changed frequently. There are local and public ip addresses.
+ 6
💜 Alex Tușinean 🍇 If there is discuss section and lots of user are there for answering my question then why I use google.
+ 6
💜 Alex Tușinean 👻 thanks
+ 5
💜 Alex Tușinean 👻 I agree to some degree, again I understand where you're coming from but the amount of times I see these comments makes me mad simply because it's an easy comment, telling someone to go... themselves Essentially.
Even if the questioner is lazy, you should not reply if the answer isn't in direct relation with the solution.
Especially the sentence "Google it".
It is our duty to ensure the things we don't like don't happen anymore. If you don't like bad teachers and basically the entire stackoverflow community, you go to the root of the problem, you encourage and motivate people.
Everyone had an aha moment / a spark due to someone else or something at some point in their life, that fundamentally changed their interests and opened a whole new world to them.
Be that lighter that creates the spark.
+ 2
💜 Alex Tușinean 🍇 This is not helping anyone. If you don't want to help, don't reply. Yes she should've googled this topic as it is a fundamental topic of the modern age but does it mean nobody should become a tutor and attempt to teach/test their knowledge?
+ 1
You can easily google that. 🍀
+ 1
From my point of view, this discusion is pointless. If she waited 3 days for a answer, now she has it thanks to Wheres8 .
I did not say anything about teaching or testing, all I did was to sugest a solution that will waste less of her time. I would like to point again that this question was asked 3 days ago.