what meaning of object oriented programming
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+ 3
- Object Oriented Programming
- Models real world objects.
- Object may have properties (state) and methods (interface)
- Data has highest importance, hence need to be protected from illegal access.
- Data and related operations are combined into a single unit.
- Data part is usually kept in the private access. This is also known as data hiding.
Data hiding refers to availability of data only through proper access methods,
otherwise data remains inaccessible.
- Interfaces or methods are the only way to access the private data. Most of them
have public access.
- Poly means 'many' and morph means 'form'.
- This feature allows to redefine the same method name for different operations.
- This can be achieved by either overloading or overriding
- Function overloading and method overriding are the types of polymorphism.
- Otherwise we can also create abstract classes with relevant functions whose
definition shall be given in the inheriting classes. This is called as
- It allows to extend existing classes into new ones with additional features.
- It is a powerful feature that reduces the coding efforts when new classes are
somehow dependent upon existing classes.
- Class being inherited is called base or parent class
- Class that inherits base class(es) is called child or derived class.
+1 although the real world thing is debatable.