+ 1
I'm having a trouble with creating table in HTML5...can anyone describe it clearly?
4 Réponses
+ 4
Do what Abhay suggests and don't forget to put it all in the <table> </table> tags.
+ 2
<tr> tag is used to create a row in table ,
<td> tag is used to create a cell in a row
so you can create something like this using the above tag
Which will output as
Name Age education
in place of <td> tag you can use <th> to write heading name for the respective column,
Hopefully this gives you an idea ,or just go through articles available online and try to understand and implement it ,you will get used to making tables easily
+ 2
I have some very old examples I made when I was learning about tables. I'm not sure if this will help you any. But check it out. Change stuff around to see what does what.
Thanks to all😊😊