Enter the number of minutes and the number of seconds from the screen
Enter the number of minutes and the number of seconds from the screen (2 non-negative integers). Display the time in the standard XX: YY format (if one of the numbers is single-digit, then add one zero to the left). The situation with entering a negative number, do not check in the program code
7 Réponses
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Nasif Rahman This question is simple and does not require sending a code.
Sergey This code is not suitable for solving this problem
alinaeva you must use DateTime or TimeSpan
Public TimeSpan(int hours,int minutes,int seconds)
Ex code
TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(12, 23, 62);
string output = null;
output = "Time of Travel: " + duration.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
создай код и скинь ссылку на него приблизительно как у меня))
C# It’s a dirty code. How to do clear code? Why the test 4th fail?Это грязный код. Как сделать чистый код? Почему 4-ый тест не проходит?
i wrote her, how you need to write your question with code and link on your code)) Without code does not need to write here
it’s not a spam
i showed her my code for example and all))
First you write your language of progamming and then your question and link on your code))
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