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Please how can i create a .com site without buying from godday or wordpress.com cause those are already built in site with .com
8 Réponses
+ 1
Please am having difficulties in creating a .com or a .ng site.
I want to know how to build a .com or a .ng site
Godaddy.com and WordPress.com they are already a built in site that you have to buy,but I don't want that,I want to create my own, or is there nothing like that apart from you buying a .com site
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You gotta buy it or learn about networking and servers.
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So i will be able to do that if i learn more on networking and server right.
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At the end of the day you'll still have to deal with a registrar for a website. Each has it's own address and each registrar owns a section of addresses. You need an address unless you use port fowarding and a DNS server on your own dedicated device acting as a server
+ 1
Wow,please i understand what you just said,but please put more light on it,especially the registra and the DNS
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Ok thanks ,i do appreciate your effort,thanks for the knowledge,more wisdom to you in JESUS name amen.
Sorry bro, that's the information. I'd have to go off on another tangent to explain the rest. If you're interested in networking, go ahead and learn for yourself, but if not just save up the bread man.
All you do is choose your site name and if its available. You can choose .com.
You can also try here.