+ 17
Which App is the most frequently used on your smartphone?
Which App is the most frequently used on your smartphone? Sololearn, Whatsapp, opera mini or others (name it)
18 Réponses
+ 23
Clash Of Clans
+ 22
sololearn.gmail, nytimes
+ 21
Sololearn and facebook
+ 17
SoloLearn, Chrome, Duolingo, Crisis Action, Clash Royale.
+ 16
chrome, bbc , sololearn
+ 16
Telegram, VK, Sololearn, Duolingo, Lingualeo, Chrome, Google Keep, Inbox, Viber, Play Market)))
+ 15
SoloLearn, Facebook, Chrome :-)
+ 15
list = ["Bluk", "English Dictionary", "Clash of Clans", "Mortal Kombat X", "Asphalt 8 : Airborne", <etc.> ]
while True:
open "Sololearn"
else :
open list
# And Yours?
+ 14
Sololearn never lets me sleep even in the night:(
Memrise- I learn French:)
Google Allo is my favourite passtime.😉
and Youtube keeps me recharged everyday:-)
+ 11
1) Whatsapp
2) Sololearn
+ 10
Sololearn + music
+ 10
Duolingo, Meetup, Memrise, Music, Podcast Addict, Sololearn, Viber
Multiple times per week:
Drive, Firefox, Inbox, OneNote, Signal
+ 9
SoloLearn, Facebook Messenger
+ 8
Asus browser(via sololearn) and youtube
In the future will be Dorothy hide n seek
+ 6
+ 6
Sololearn, Spotify, Khan Academy, BBC, Fossbytes, and Youtube. Update: I must also include Duolingo and Enki, just recently started using them. They, too, are quickly becoming an addiction. Oh my!... :)
+ 6
The Gruesome Game of BULLET FORCE!
+ 5
sololearn, chrome, duolingo, kindle, overdrive, PDF reader , camera