+ 2
Set of programs which I can use for web development?
Someone knows what's the best set of programs which I can use for web development?
4 Réponses
+ 2
XAMPP is a great tool I've been using for a few years. Packages up all of the main web technologies into one easy package :-) Apache, MySQL and PHP
+ 3
Sublime text editor
Chrome browser
Postman as http requests and apis
+ 3
well there is alot.first of all choose a code editor.its personal preference.some of my recommendations
1.visual studio code
3.sublime text
i used 3 of those so for experience i know that visual studio code is way better.now choose a server
1.visual studio code has a server in the extensions
2.sublimeServer is a sublime text extension
3.atom has a live server also.
you can use server like xmapp .now lets talk about more extensions
1.web snippets
2.live reload
3.auto save
+ 1
Can I use XAMPP in any operation system?
Actually I'm working with Visual Studio using c# for xamarin development in my job. Maybe in the next week my boss will put me in the web development.