How to solve this problem of code? Such file directive no found
#include <stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int d=DETECT,m,err; initgraph(&d,&m,""); err=graphresult(); if(err!==grOk) { printf("Graph error %s",grapherrormsg(err)); } while(!kbhit) { delay(100); settextstyle(rand()%20,rand()%2,rand()%16); setcolor(rand()%100); outtextxy(rand()%1000,rand()%400,"ROHIT"); } return 0; closegraph(); }
5 Réponses
+ 5
There's no solution for this problem. The only way to get the code to run is to use ancient turbo compiler. No modern compiler supports turbo libraries, things are done differently these days.
+ 1
Rohit Maurya
Maybe one of this suits your needs,
DM isn't working BTW, I can't reply your message.
Thanks but it's showing fatal error