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Can i be a Hacker.....? I m 15years old
5 Réponses
+ 8
Hacker == Someone who uses or manipulates an object and using it for something else, which isn't meant to be used for.
Therefore you have already hacked something before. If your talking about Computer Hacker, then it WONT BE EASILY to became one.
Requirements: Knowledge in;
1: C++
2: Java
3: Python
4: JavaScript
5: SQL
6: PHP
Need to understand the Linux (Kali Linux) OS and it's terminal. You also need to have understanding of computer Hardware and networking.
If you can learn all these, then call yourself a hacker if not DON'T!!
+ 7
You can be an ethical hacker. An ethical hacker is appointed by the companies to test how secure their servers are. Actually you can hack for the benefit of others.
+ 1
hmm, you dont need to learn a ton of languages, just 1, and learn it well. You can exploit systems or "hack" without it being illegal, just dont break the law, which is roughly: "Do not gain unauthorized access to a system which is not owned by you, and do not try to circumvent or defeat any security measures that are implemented by another person, without their permission."
So TLDR; = Make sure you own system/things you're exploiting, or have permission from the person that does own it.
You can learn the needed skills in a reasonably short amt of time if you put in the work/practice. The info is freely out there on the net.
But 1 trait that will help you immensely is if you are the type of person who enjoys puzzles and "thinking out-of-the-box" to find creative solutions. This is way more important to your success than knowing 6 programming languages. (But knowing at least 1 is essential, most pentesters recommend either cpp or python, but most of the other programming languages are equally capable, as long as you know it thoroughly.)
Good luck, and I hope you find success with all your future endevours!
Knowledge about Networking would also be required to call yourself a hacker
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If You Have Skills You Can Be A WHH..