+ 5
How amazon know who ordered some thing which proggramming language used for that? Does it also made with JavaScript?
How amazon know when we click order? Post and get have any relationship with that
7 Réponses
+ 12
Yes, there are two APIs for products on Amazon: the Product Advertising API and the Marketplace Web Service (MWS) Products API. When you are looking for an amazon api, I can recommend http://api-doc.axesso.de/. Its free and offers the same product information and more.
+ 8
Api is used to connect between them
+ 8
Nothing great as such..
+ 7
Your very welcome
+ 5
Aditya which API please tell
+ 5
Thank you so much Aditya 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
+ 5
Very very thanks again thank you so much i cant express