+ 4
What is error in code
40 Réponses
+ 7
Ankit Kumar
You are getting no output because you are doing j--
I will suggest make a function which will return factorial.
+ 7
Daniel Briceño
I will suggest don't try to convert in Hindi. 😃😃
+ 5
Yeah 😅 your code is okay but concept of the recuive function
Is declaration definition and call
def/* var*/
def/* var*/
int main()
/*Your code goes here*/
/* You can call your function here*/
Var 1 and var2
{ /*Here you can definition of function*/
Return to var 3}
If you want to not use return statement you can use void function.
+ 4
Ankit Kumar
In C, C++, Java, entry point is main method/function so you have to write code inside main function..
int main() {
return 0;
2nd thing don't use i for factorial as variable "i" used for, for loop iteration so if you divide i by 10 then i will be 0 and next iteration will not work. So use other variable.
+ 3
Bhai bhut sochne ke bad mera code shi ho gya
+ 3
Ye strong number nhi hai
+ 3
Strong numbers are those numbers whose sum of factorial of each digits is equal to the original number. Strong Number Examples, 1 is strong number because 1!= 1, 2 is strong number i.e. 2! = 2, 145 is strong number i.e. 1!
+ 2
no entiendo. / I dont not understand./मुझे समझ नहीं आता
I Am AJ !
+ 2
Please explain the clear purpose of this code . And what do you mean by strong number
+ 1
Phir bhi kuch nhi ho rha hai
+ 1
Why do not work this code
+ 1
In this code no output
+ 1
I am aj j me remainder ko assign karaye hai uske bad to j ko decrement kara sakte hai
+ 1
Ankit Kumar
Yes sahi ho gaya but abhi bhi wrong hai.
145 is also a Strong number because 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145
Just enter 146 and see your outout.
+ 1
We are getting error at i value, some values are repeating.
+ 1
Error is an small mistake in code
+ 1
145=1!+4!+5! Ye strong number hai
+ 1
Error means
Suppose you are talking with me
Ankit said :
My name is Ankit.
Noor said :
Nice to meet you.
But in this sentence
Ankit said :
My Ankit is name.
Noor said :
I don't understand
Here you are not using proper word so i can't understand as well as in coding if you don't use proper code ,computer can't understand what you are talking about so
It generate an error
1-has no main function.
Ankit Kumar यह "int main () {" है और "int main ()" नहीं है "ध्यान दें कि पहला" {"है और दूसरा नहीं। जिसका मतलब है कि आप कभी भी शो शुरू नहीं करेंगे . I Am AJ ! es idioma "Hindi".