Having difficulty figuring out c# practice 18.2
If someone could point me to exercises or lessons that are relevant I'd be greatful. I've kinda been working myself in circles.
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You need to take input until the input is greater than the first input. Each time you take an input after the first one it needs to be compared with turd first input to see which is greater.
Here is how I solved 18.2:
the for loop is created with x starting with 0. then it checks to see if the remainder of x/2 (the short hand for that is %) is not 0 (!=0) then it skips the loop (continue) if it is not. because an even number diveded by 2 will have a remainder of 0 (e.g 8%2=0). if the remainder is zero then it will print the number as it is even.
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//your code goes here
int sellBid;
bool takeBid = true;
sellBid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if(sellBid > maxBid)
takeBid = false;
Console.WriteLine("Sold: " + sellBid);
This is how i solved using Boolean