4 Réponses
+ 7
1)Maybe they don’t understand it - many people really don’t understand Python - they only look at it surface deep
2) Maybe they don’t keep up with the language and its features.
We can't say that any language is good or bad by the judgement of others as all have their own positive and negative aspects regarding to the language.
+ 2
I've... not really heard that. Honestly, Python is one of the more universally loved languages, especially amongst the science community.
I can think of a few reasons (none of them *good* reasons) why someone might dislike Python:
1. It's easier. Compared to languages like Java or C, Python has a relatively low bar of entry. That means that people that want programming to be an exclusive discipline of the elite are kinda out of luck with Python.
2. It's dynamically typed, meaning variables can change their type on the fly (i.e., from number to string to dictionary). This is honestly just a design choice in the language, and neither being dynamically typed nor the opposite (statically typed) is "better".
3. It uses indentation to determine what "block" a bit of code belongs to. Other languages often use things like curly braces ("{}") to determine this. Again, this is a design choice, and neither using this method nor *not* using it is better.
4. Probably the least likely (maybe!) but it begins with P. People tend to hate on PHP, so... maybe that's what you were hearing about? Just a thought.
Python is kinda known as the non-programmers' or scientists' programming language. It's used *heavily* in the data science (e.g., biology, financial, etc.) worlds, because of its speed, ease of use, and numerous science-specific libraries
+ 2
☣Agustín Variable☣
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