+ 5
I teach programming this year I was assigned a group of non-programmers who are studying GIS. Python was the best language to teach them. They love it. I did not suffer as much as I would with C++. Now I think all beginners should start with Python not C++. What do you think?
Python or C++ for beginners?
12 Réponses
+ 4
I'm currently taking a C++ course in college and it's a struggle. Most professors forget that not everyone has a basic foundation of coding and they teach like we do.
+ 4
I think Python is easier for beginners learning on their own, but C or C++ is better in a structured classroom environment. If it's a good teacher, learning C or C++ is the best foundation to start from.
+ 3
I'm a big fan of C++. It more accurately represents how a computer works at a far lower level than languages such as Python, and there's a lot to gain in understanding manual memory management. Interpreted languages are usually easier to understand, but it leads to confusion later on in their career when they try to use more involved languages.
+ 3
To get the basic concept of programming. it's best to learn Python up to the loops and methods. After this it's easier to understand the same in other languages.
Python is the best to start with l, because it's "clear" and it has an easy to understand syntax. With "clear" I mean it hasn't those curly brackets that make everything look complicated.
+ 3
Your every comment is a valuable argument.
+ 2
Python is definitely a very good language. It has lots of usage in programming sector. But , C++ is a very good language to start up programming due to its easy understanding. C++ is also very useful in programming sector like python but unlike python it provides a more worldly experience to new beginners.
+ 1
Am a beginner learning python. I hav not learnt c++, or java but I think python is the best and every beginner can easily understand the language.
+ 1
thank god for you I need a python teacher and I was hoping you would help me please 👲👲👲
+ 1
For students in the IT field c++ has been the choice for many years. I think we will stick to that for now. However other majors who need to know some programming should start wit Puthon not c++.
+ 1
Based on your answers I see that it is not advised to start with Python.
in all the academies and universities, the languages that they use for beginners are : java, c++ or pyton.
personally I think that doesn't matter the language as it's very important learning the algorithm .
because if you learn how to programme the syntax is not an issue.
The arguments here seem very simiar to those in my department. We are leaning towards keeping c++ as a starting course for Cs and IT students. However for GIS we wil use Python.