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How does SoloLearn connect HTML with external CSS & JS?
Hey friends! I am very confused while using JAVASCRIPT in external file of Sololearn, because I am unable to use DOM in external file of JS, how can I control position script in HTML.
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To connect HTML with external CSS and JavaScript in SoloLearn:
1. External CSS: Link using `<link>` tag in HTML's `<head>` section.
2. External JavaScript: Include using `<script>` tag, preferably at the end of HTML's `<body>` section.
3. Regarding DOM manipulation: Ensure JS code is wrapped within a function that executes after the DOM has loaded, using `DOMContentLoaded` event listener.
Here are the best HTML online learning platforms:
1. https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
2. https://iqratechnology.com/academy/html-training/
3. https://www.javatpoint.com/html-tutorial