+ 1
program to find out the greatest number among four numbers and also it should show whether there are two or three equal numbers,
The User will enter the numbers
2 RĂ©ponses
+ 1
how about for equals?
+ 1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main(){
//create object and read the value and store it
double a,b,c,d;
cout<<"Enter number A: ";
cout<<"Enter number B: ";
cout<<"Enter number C: ";
cout<<"Enter number D: ";
cout<<endl; //space line
// checks the greatest number
if (a > b && a > c && a > d)
cout<<"A is the greatest = "<<a<<endl;
else if (b>a && b>c && b>d)
{cout<<"B is the greatest = "<<b<<endl;}
else if (c>a && c>b && c>d)
{cout<<"C is the greatest = "<<c<<endl;}
else if (d>a && d>b && d>c)
{cout<<"D is the greatest = "<<d<<endl;}
// checks if all numbers are equal
if (a==b && b==c && c==d){
{cout<<"They are all equal"<<endl;}
//check if 3 numbers are equal
else if (a==b && b==c)
{cout<<"A and B and C are Equal = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (a==b && b==d)
{cout<<"A and B and D are Equal = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (a==c && c==d)
{cout<<"A and C and D are Equal = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (b==c && c==d)
{cout<<"B and C and D are Equal = "<<b<<endl;}
//check if 2 numbers are equal
else if (a==b)
{cout<<"A and B are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (a==c)
{cout<<"A and C are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (a==d)
{cout<<"A and D are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<a<<endl;}
else if (b==c)
{cout<<"B and C are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<b<<endl;}
else if (b==d)
{cout<<"B and D are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<b<<endl;}
else if (c==d)
{cout<<"C and D are Equal and they are the greatest = "<<c<<endl;}
return 0;