+ 2

Is it good practice to give view port units to font-sze.

I want to know about responsive Typography

7th May 2021, 6:54 AM
Allamprabhu Hiremath
1 Réponse
+ 1
What unit do you add to the font size to make it responsive? The text size can be set with a vw unit, which means the "viewport width". 1. https://css-tricks.com/viewport-sized-typography/ 2.https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_responsive_text.asp 3.https://dev.to/grafton-studio/using-css-viewport-units-for-font-sizes-can-be-tricky-3h31 search your question in other platforms too for more relevant answers.
9th May 2021, 3:10 AM
NEZ - avatar