Write a python function which accepts two linked lists containing integer data and an integer, n and merges two linked lists, su
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Neel Tilak Where's your attempt?
import math
class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
def newNode( key):
temp = Node(key)
temp.data = key
temp.next = None
return temp
def printList( node):
while (node != None):
print(node.data, end = " ")
node = node.next
def merge( h1, h2):
if (h1 == None):
return h2
if (h2 == None):
return h1
if (h1.data < h2.data):
h1.next = merge(h1.next, h2)
return h1
h2.next = merge(h1, h2.next)
return h2
if __name__=='__main__':
head1 = newNode(1)
head1.next = newNode(3)
head1.next.next = newNode(5)
head2 = newNode(0)
head2.next = newNode(2)
head2.next.next = newNode(4)
mergedhead = merge(head1, head2)