How I can improve my javascript skill?
I finished javascript course and I wanna imrove my skill..
3 Réponses
How to improve programming and logical skills
The conditional statement
Programming is more about conditions and looping.To improve logical thinking, start to think conditionally such as Yes or No,True or False.Try to question yourself or solve a problem as a conditional statement such as if...then...it's very helpful to improve your conditional reasoning power.
2. Think like a machine
The machine didn't understand anything because it works on the instruction which we gave. To solve a problem, give instructions and try to follow the order. Here, instructions are nothing but logic. Machine-oriented thinking will help you to write logic in a program.
3. Solve logic puzzles
Try to solve riddles and puzzles from newspapers or in a modern mobile app.Don’t get disheartened if you can't solve them at first attempt or take a long time to solve them.Remember that you are in the process of learning and improving skills.Your brain will be trained to think differently with every puzzle that you try to solve.
❄ Websites To Practice Your Coding Skills
⚡ https://www.hackerrank.com
⚡ https://www.codewars.com
⚡ https://www.hackerearth.com
⚡ https://codecombat.com
⚡ https://projecteuler.net
⚡ https://brainwar.it
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://www.codechef.com
⚡ http://www.codeabbay.com
⚡ https://www.topcoder.com
⚡ https://coderbyte.com
⚡ https://leetcode.com
⚡ http://exercism.io
⚡ https://codefights.com
⚡ http://www.cyber-dojo.org
⚡ http://codingbat.com
⚡ http://www.pythonchallenge.com
⚡ https://codegolf.stackexchange.com
⚡ https://www.codingame.com
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://programmingpraxis.com
💧 Credit :: Maz
Thank you so much bro. I con not find words to thank you bro ♥