+ 1
how can i lern html & css step by step?
" Can any body tell me how i lern html & css step by step. is any free video complete coruce available in internet. thank you
12 Réponses
+ 4
In youtube there is certenly some tutorial. But sololearn is even beter then a video, you have the courses and a compiler to try out what you are lerning.
+ 4
Follow the html course first, then css, then javascript. They are perfect for beginners
+ 4
You can can download the sololearn app, no other software are needed at the beggining
+ 4
A text editor, a browser and a software who lets you open the html files in the browser, like a server.
use sololearn !!!
yes there are many videos in youtube but they dont teach, step by step. :( i am beginner.
ok understand, and which software should i use??
i have alrady sololern app downloaded. i ment for computer which software should i need?
ok thank you
- 1
As a beginner student, with which language should i first start....