+ 6
What's everyone's favorite OS? (it's ok to say Windows too Lol)
15 Réponses
+ 21
int i = 0;
OS obj;
while (obj.importaddr(i) != NULL)
if (obj.importname(i) != "Mac")
cout << "Is favourite." << endl;
+ 19
+ 15
I love Android os!😊😊😊😊😊😊
+ 15
+ 11
Android for mob and Windows for computer and Linux for Crash free environment.lol
+ 11
For me, its a draw between Windows and Android! Both have their own pros and cons!
In terms of coding, I go with windows!
In terms of interface, I go with Android!
+ 10
Arch Linux :)
+ 9
Android #1
Windows #3
+ 5
windows I like And I like Bill Gates!
+ 5
@luka nothing is wrong with Windows! I find some people trash Windows for silly reasons. I use Windows on my mini PC; I alternate coding between my laptop (which has LXLE installed) and mini PC. I prefer Java in a Windows environment for some odd reason, while giving preference to coding C++ in a Linux environment. I like coding in the bare minimum: G++ compiler and VIM for text editing.
+ 4
most of time , people look for user-friend GUI based system and this requirement is fulfilled by Windows OS. this is why most pc's nowadays are with Windows OS. many other OSs are also GUI based, but most familiar one is Windows...
+ 1
int i = 0;
OS obj;
while (obj.importaddr(i) != NULL)
if (obj.importname(i) != "Mac")
cout << "Is favourite." << endl;