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What i am doing wrong?
I am not so good at it and i am lost. I cant figure this out how to finish to the corect answer :)
5 RĂ©ponses
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You're gunna have to tell us what language and/or show us your code.
The snail climbs up 7 feet each day and slips back 2 feet each night.
How many days will it take the snail to get out of a well with the given depth?
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Explanation: Let's break down the distance the snail covers each day:
Day 1: 7-2=5
Day 2: 5+7-2=10
Day 3: 10+7-2=15
Day 4: 15+7-2=20
Day 5: 20+7-2=25
Day 6: 25+7=32
So, on Day 6 the snail will reach 32 feet and get out of the well at day, without slipping back that night.
Coding language: Javascript
Coding chalabge snail in well.
function main() {
var depth = parseInt(readLine(), 10);
//your code goes here
for(var i=0; i < depth; i++) {
var result = i + 7 - 2;
var score =
This is what i got sooory its been a week and i cant compleate this chalange :/