Electron Javascript Html Why button don't do their thing? basic question
Hello to all I said it is a Electron question, but is it more a Js/html question. I can't get to work buttons. I just can't get where the problem is. Thanks for the help! https://gist.github.com/8305528b3ac0f27c0bd24ae5e86e43a2
3 RĂ©ponses
Ok Just to let you know that I am trying hard also
//btn.addEventListener ("click", function() {alert("did something");});
//btn.addEventListener("onclick", myScript);
//btn.onclick = function(){myScript()};
//btn.addEventListener("click", function(){ alert("Hello World!"); });
btn.setAttribute("onclick", function myScript() { console.log("blablapppp"); });
None are giving me result, but the last at least appears in the DOM.
Still mothing happening...
btn.setAttribute("onclick", function dothat() { myScript(); });
btn.setAttribute("onclick", myScript(document.getElementById(idinput).value));