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What is best to me .i like enjoy with the computer...what is best for me.I HOPE ANWES.if you help me i will susses at life.
What is the best job,salary,interest,fun,team work @(softwere engineer,developer,programmer,game developer)
9 Réponses
+ 2
programming is really like a coding eating bug fixing sleeping.....🔛
+ 1
it's all pretty same as you start from same things - programming.
Question is what do you want? Freelance or work in group, some project or permanent job... Also, do you want to program computer programs, softwares or web pages...
Based on your wants and needs we can suggest you something. You need to start from something what you like mostly.
For example if you want web development go for html & css and than javascript / jquery for frontend or php for backend
for mcu's, raspberry and so go for Python, C, Assembly, maybe basic.
for computers and so maybe best is to start with Python 3 to learn basics how code and program works. Than go for next.
Python 3 have few differences of Python 2 but is newer. But if you learn any of them you will know both really quick.
Good luck
+ 1
write programs for computers, or make os-es, depend on your job...
I don't get the question...
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are you programmer or enginieer
+ 1
I'm programmer. I work mostly web designs and bit of developement. Also I program mcu-s...
But I know few other languages too... For teaching others mostly :D
I have some instructions for high school and helping with basics...
So not really someone who have a bunch of programs behind me but I love teaching, learning and playing around.
+ 1
yes... it is really good description actually...
+ 1
wow i like it.how about your salary and i think you'r great programmer.I like to become a programmer but there is more thing like cnn,game programming,developing,......😱If I start with python or c++ what can I do with this lanuage....your great teacher
+ 1
salary really depends on company or your reputation if you are freelancer so if you are good and popular you can search more.
It really depend. There is no perfect language. Some are easier to learn, some to use, some are faster, some can be used anywhere some need compilers etc.
Python is relative new to usage and it can be used for lot of things including programing desktop programs for win, linux (I guess mac too), for raspberry and so. It is also easier to learn for begginer who hasn't touch with code yet or has with basic or some other simple language... I mean lang with simple syntax...
c++ is in some way similar to c so it will not be hard to learn both of them. I don't need C++ so actually I don't know it, but I'm using C for programming mcu (microcontroller) and Arduino (same thing but simpler). Also it can be used for computer programs...
But with every language you have one skill more and all languages are pretty similar so if you know one and how it works, it will be easier to learn a new one.
if I learn all lanuage nearly 40 programming with linux distribution lanuage what can i do.how old are you