How get values from a graph or prediction

hi, i know thet find a value of prediction like model.predict[1.4] "lets assume result is 5". this gives me prediction of my model. My question is how get x values which gives me 5 ? Ä°n other words i want to know in which points my prediction is 5? Ä°t should be smthg like that Model.prepredict[5] which gives me 1.4 Same like let's assume i have graph like a=sin(np.arange(0,10,0.1) How can i find, Which values makes a equal 0.5 ? Ä°n this condition result should be(pi/6, 5pi/6 ......) Thank you

15th Sep 2021, 2:27 PM
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz - avatar
6 RĂ©ponses
You didn't understand the question. Because models don't have any formula. Ä°f they have u can tell me how can I extract the formula from model. For example mymodel = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(X, Y, 12)) How can I extract this my model formula and who can solve this 12th degree polynomial function in elementary school:)
15th Sep 2021, 10:28 PM
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz - avatar
Ä°t is really funny that you still think a model formula is changed easily by subject. This is not solution. There must be much more easy way. Ä° doubth about ur knowledge about this situation because it is not elemantary math. Whatever thanks for not helping me:)
15th Sep 2021, 10:57 PM
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz - avatar
Ä° gave you -1 because it won't help me. And i don't know it effects ur profile. Sorry, if so i will gave +1 for ur help.
16th Sep 2021, 5:06 PM
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz
Osman Bahadir Yilmaz - avatar