+ 2
Password validation
Test 10 and 11 donât pass My code pw = set(input()) nums = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'} sp = {'!', '@', '#', '
#x27;, '%', '&', '*'} numcheck = pw & nums spcheck = pw & sp if len(numcheck) >= 2 and len(spcheck) >= 2 and len(pw) >= 7: print('Strong') else: print('Weak')4 RĂ©ponses
+ 4
Hmm, what is about this PW:
7 chars, 2 numbers, 2 special
Should be strong. But how to count numbers and specials and length after converting it to a set? đ€
+ 3
Thanks, Iâll try to fix that
+ 2
Write a program that takes in a string as input and evaluates it as a valid password. The password is valid if it has at a minimum 2 numbers, 2 of the following special characters ('!', '@', '#', '#x27;, '%', '&', '*'), and a length of at least 7 characters.
If the password passes the check, output 'Strong', else output 'Weak'.
password = list(input())
str = " ".join(password) #a string with space b/w the items
import re
symb = re.findall("[!@#\$%&\*]+", str)
num = re.findall(r"[0-9]+", str)
filt = filter((lambda x: x in symb,str), (password))
print ("Strong" if len(symb) >= 2 and len(num) >= 2 and len(password) >=7 else "Weak")