python problem
62nd code project. I need help under standing what they want meh to do my code is very simple https://code.sololearn.com/c66l3R6m8XJs/#py
4 Réponses
+ 5
Jackson Jameson
You mean the longest word challenge, right?
txt = input()
txt.split(' ') -> returns a list of each word in txt separated by space
"This a sentence"
-> ["This", "is", "a", "sentence"]
Now you can use a loop to find the longest word in this list.
+ 4
Okay, you've done this on multiple occasions. Please find, copy, and paste the description of the project. Then pop your attempted code in the playground, save it, and copy/paste a link to your code here. We cannot help if we don't know what the problem is, help us help you.
+ 4
EDIT: You can omit the argument in the split() method. It splits on spaces by default
+ 1
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