+ 2

Pig Latin

Pig Latin is a problem where you should replace all the words in the sentence in Pig Latin. You should move your first Alphabet of each word to the end of it, and put ‘ay’ in the end. sent = input().split() latin = [] for i in sent: i += 'xay' p = i.replace(i[len(i)-3], i[0]) p = p.replace(p[0], "") latin += [p] final = " ".join(latin) print(final) This is my code, and when I put ‘go over there’, it prints ‘oay veray hereay’ when it should print ‘ogay veroay heretay’. Please help

3rd Dec 2021, 9:48 AM
Nordo Fin
Nordo Fin - avatar
9 Réponses
+ 7
Your use of replace() is causing all sorts of problem. Words with multiple letters have all those letters removed, which does not meet challenge requirements. Please review the following solution using string slices and concatenation. It is a simpler concept sent = input().split() latin = [] for i in sent: latin.append(i[1:]+i[0]+"ay") print(" ".join(latin))
3rd Dec 2021, 10:29 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 3
Rik Wittkopp you just saved me man thank you!
4th Dec 2021, 12:03 AM
Nordo Fin
Nordo Fin - avatar
+ 1
sentence = input() my_str = list(sentence.split()) pig_latin = [] for x in my_str: pig_latin.append(x[1::] + x[0] + "ay") print(" ".join(pig_latin))
18th Jul 2022, 3:24 PM
Lwin Phyoe
here is my code
18th Jul 2022, 3:24 PM
Lwin Phyoe
how is my cod? txt=input().split(" ") wordlist=[] for word in txt: word = word[1:]+word[0]+"ay" wordlist.append(word) print(" ".join(wordlist))
1st Feb 2023, 2:14 PM
n=input() x=n.split() v="" for i in x: v+=i[1:]+i[0]+'ay ' print(v)
1st Mar 2023, 10:20 PM
latin = input() latin_list = latin.split(" ") word = "" word_list = [] pig_word = "" pig_word_list = [] for i in range(len(latin_list)): word = latin_list[i] for n in range(len(word)): first_letter = word[0] word_list = list(word[1:]) word_list.append(first_letter + "ay" + " ") pig_word_list += (word_list[n]) pig_words = "".join(pig_word_list) print(pig_words)
9th Jun 2023, 12:16 AM
Ekrem Akdoğan
Ekrem Akdoğan - avatar
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char a[100]; char b[100] = ""; int j = 0; fgets(a, sizeof(a), stdin); for (int i = 0; a[i]; i++) { if (a[i] == ' ' || a[i] == '\n') { if (j > 1) { char lastChar = b[j - 1]; for (int k = j - 1; k > 0; k--) { b[k] = b[k - 1]; } b[0] = lastChar; b[j] = 'a'; b[j + 1] = 'y'; b[j + 2] = '\0'; } printf("%s ", b); j = 0; b[0] = '\0'; } else { b[j] = a[i]; j++; b[j] = '\0'; } } //for c users return 0; }
22nd Oct 2023, 1:36 PM
Taji Omar
Taji Omar - avatar