Quick question pls
How do I count the number of words in a sentence?
13 Réponses
+ 1
x = input()
lst = x.split(' ')
Hi Oyarekhua Sandra,
You could split the string at “” and then i believe call the len() function on the resulting array should get the number of words in the sentence
Ollie Q
It's actually an input I want to use it for so the string isn't specific 🥲
Use split function. Don't specify "" as separator - this would split at every character - but leave the default - white space(s) - which suits perfectly word splitting. Then count with len function.
Shubham jadhav Pls avoid giving finished code as answer. Prefer hints that guide the asker to find the solution him/herself. Follow hints and find solutions makes one learn for real.
Shubham jadhav
Pls what if I want to count the letters still excluding the spaces.
I tried using 'count' instead of Len but it's showing error
Oyarekhua Sandra
print( len(lst)*2 - 1 )
It's a trick I guess.
Check if this works!
You can either:
1. Remove spaces from string then using len on the resulting string
2. Split words in the same way, then summing all words lengths
Shubham jadhav Could you pls explain the logic behind formula "len(lst)*2-1"?
Emerson Prado
String = "Hello Emerson Prado"
See, a string has (3) words if we separate on spaces.
--> [len()]
And how many separators are there (3-1).
--> [len()-1]
Hence, the formula
--> len() + len() -1
--> 2*len()-1
Shubham jadhav This would give the sum of word and separator counts. The OP asked for word or letter count.
Emerson Prado yeah
Do you know how I can get the letter count?
Oyarekhua Sandra See my answer from yesterday