what does print function do ? the print creates a paranthesis
tamil= int(input()) english = int(input()) math = int(input()) science = int(input()) social = int(input()) print("your tamil mark is:",tamil) print("your english mark is:",english) print("your math mark is :",math) print("your science mark is:",science) print("your social mark is:",social) avg = tamil+english+math+science+social average = 'your total marks are ',avg print(average) #print("your total:",avg) mean = int(avg/5) #print("your percent:",mean) abc = 'your percentage',mean print(ab
3 Réponses
+ 2
It's not by print.
You are making a tuple there by
average = 'your total marks are', avg
This creates a tuple. Not string..
print(type(average) ) # you know tuple are enclosed in parentheses, it's default.
To form string, you can use
average = f'your total marks are {avg}'
Question is not clear
print display data on output console
in average = 'your....'
the code gives a parenthesis
sorry for unclear question I tried to frame question but unable to complete..
copy paste in your solo console to to