+ 13
I am 15 currently, should i focus on my studies completely or learn other skills like coding too along with study?
18 Réponses
+ 6
If you're interested into coding as a career path to follow I would suggest you to start learning now. I wish I started learning before going to a University. I would be more prepared of what's about to follow. It's your life though and your choice to make on how much time you want to invest in it or even if you want to invest any at all. Definitely don't abandon your studies for it though... Wish you all the best!
+ 11
Learn other skills too but primary study is more important.
You can give just 2 hours in a day for other skills. This time is enough as you are just at 15.
+ 7
I don't know why but 2 hours is too much for me cuz i go to school😅 but i'll manage, i am not bad at studies
+ 6
Just make sure you don't code too much that it starts affecting ur grades
+ 5
Honestly, coding is fun.
Alongside studying is okay if you can assign your time effectively.
By example many people ask how I'm able to balance medical school and code too.
My schedule is mostly study during my normal day timetable but at the end of the day, I use 2hours to learn as much as I can on coding.
Over the weekend, I recap everything and practice as much as possible.
So yes it's possible to code and study, you'll find this skill very useful when you don't have time in the future and I encourage every student to use their free time to learn new skills, they always come in handy sooner or later. 👍
+ 5
Thanks a million george, leonard and geoffrey😇
I now understood.
+ 5
School work kind of sucks if you're not passionate, there's so much to learn outside of a classroom so be fearless. Try to get as much out of studies as you can, but never burden yourself. Information is free, start your projects and talk with others about things that excite you.
Keep your grades up for college if that's what you're into, but you're an individual with talents and goals, eventually school will stop and you'll have to figure out what's next.
Keep the good work and live dangerously.
+ 4
You should follow what you want but I am advising you to balance your education with coding
+ 4
You should see coding as a tool, such as a hammer is, you are the one holding the tool.
If you have no enough skills, you might wrongly use your tool.
The more you learn, the best you are going to be.
Lot of amazing students know programming but this is not their major, they just use is as a tool.
+ 4
It's best to learn other skills whiles you are still young
+ 4
Gyou should give at least 1 hour for other skills.I am doing the same
+ 4
Shruti It depends on you if yo feel interested in it keep doing coding Or other skills and also side wise but as you are younger student May be in 9th or 8th you should also do study .....
+ 3
Do whatever, it's your life
+ 3
Hey bro if you need a suggestion on best practices to learn python the quickest for yourself , wat worked for me as a beginner rwgardless of age was I had to study a tutorial , then put it to action in order to be able to make practice runs as much as possible . I wouldnt suggest watxhing youtube vids all day then go to bed without any practice of wat u just watched lol. Tech with Tim on yt was ten wen he startedId highly highly suggest pydroid3 android , so you no matter wat can practice and learn wat u study in any spare time recess , lunch ect...
+ 3
Manav Roy
Yes that's enough time as you have to complete 10th, 12th and graduation then your this skills will be useful so you have enough time to learn other skills.
+ 3
Yah I go with shruti
+ 2
If my suggestion was any help upvote for support ty and awsome for you!!
+ 2