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How to use bit map
Hey coder am trying to code a board game from scratch do I need to know bit map or is there another way to implement it Thanks
36 Réponses
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A bitmap is a type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images.
The ImageBitmap interface represents a bitmap image which can be drawn to a <canvas> without undue latency.
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FF9900 like those used in games
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FF9900 do you understand it now
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Both but mainly logic
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Thanks everyone but FF9900 the code you wrote was in esc5 or 6
So my device does not support advance javascript so i would have to go through it and convert to plain javascript by the way thanks for the attempt you solved the question but you ended up using bit map why and how did you implement it try adding more comment and try suggest where I can learn about bitmap thanks
Is it possible to map my ui to a bit map or
I search the web for implementation of bit map but none to start with
Or is there a way to get each token location without bit map and how to move it around on the track without it running ofcourse
FF9900 You don't know that but you know chess you know how each piece move in it design track can you explain how to do that if I could grab that
But I don't know bitmap manipulation have gone through the link pretty difficult to grasp cos every thing was bit map
FF9900 do you know ludo game if you know it then try explain how to move things around in ludo game
Well would look into that can you write a simple code that has few columns and try explain with that how distance calculations work note necessary now you can send later thanks in advance
But have seen where bitmaps were used on sololearn lot cos the ui was drawn with bit map
Also there has been cases where it was drawn with html and the movement tracking and position mappings were added without hiccups
Like this it was drawn with html but js was added successfully without bitmap
FF9900 the logic is the main problem now if I get how those tokens would move without colliding with the center box I wud handle the rest
You mention offset I wud look into that