26 Code_project : BMI Calculator
How to solve this challenge ?? I feel the problem is in the kg & meter.. if so how to convert ?? P.s : my code : W = int(input()) H = float(input()) res = int(W)/float(H**2) if res < 18.5 : print("Underweight") elif res >= 18.5 and res < 25 : print("Normal") elif res >= 25 and res <= 30 : print("Overweight") else : print("Obesity")
3 Réponses
+ 3
Ahlam Ahmed ,
just a comment from me. since the code takes input with converting the values to int and float, we do not need to convert it again:
#res = int(W)/float(H**2)
res1 = W / H**2 # we can use this instead
happy coding!
+ 1
Sorry it did work, I guess the problem was I tried it on the website, when I did on the app it worked, Thank you 😊
It was a typo when i was writing the question,