[SOLVED] Can you help me to see my mistake ?
Hello, I begin python since 2 days and I'm stuck at the bmi calculor. I don't ask the solution but a clues to show my mistakes please ? bmi = float(input())/(int(input())**2) if bmi < 18.5: print("Underweight") elif bmi >= 18.5 and bmi < 25: print("Normal") elif bmi >= 25 and < 30: print("Overweight") elif bmi > 30: print ("Obesity") Thanks for answers !
6 Réponses
+ 4
1. bmi float(input())/int(input)**2
2. elif bmi >= 25 and < 30: #bug
3. elif bmi > 30: # Obesity = 30 or more
+ 1
Fuuji remember to mark the best answer. Also rename the question title to insert [SOLVED] at the beginning.
Tracking your BMI is a useful way of checking if you’re maintaining a healthy weight. It’s calculated using a person's weight and height, using this formula: weight / height²
The resulting number indicates one of the following categories:
Underweight = less than 18.5
Normal = more or equal to 18.5 and less than 25
Overweight = more or equal to 25 and less than 30
Obesity = 30 or more
Let’s make finding out your BMI quicker and easier, by creating a program that takes a person's weight and height as input and outputs the corresponding BMI category.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Oh, i think I have, I go test
It's good I got it, thanks for help !
It's good